Tree on Fire on Route 68
By 2nd Assistant Fire Chief Matthew Kroeger
July 22, 2023

At 1146 Canton Fire, Canton Rescue and Car 4 were dispatched for a tree on fire at 1612 State Highway 68. Assistant Chief Kroeger notified dispatch that he was in route to the scene. Canton Rescue stood by at their station. Chief Kroeger arrived on scene with the homeowner informing that there was a tree on fire in the woods near his backyard. Investigation found that the there was a dead tree smoldering in the woods behind the homeowner's house. The homeowner was burning some brush and the wind appeared to take some embers into the woods. Engine 8 responded chauffeured by Past Chief Brian McCluskey. Once on scene PC McCluskey stretched a bumper line along with 200 feet of forestry hose. PC McCluskey and Captain Dan Holcomb were able to extinguish the smoldering tree and a few other spots around that had ignited. Crew was back in service at 1327.

Units: Engine 8 (B. McCluskey) TA-20 (W. Stripp)