Fire Prevention Week 2019
By EMT Sydney White
October 15, 2019

Last week was Canton Fire and Rescue's annual Fire Prevention Week. This event takes place to inform children from first to fourth grade the importance of knowing how to prevent fires, safety measures to consider if a fire does happen, either at home or at school, and conversations to have with parents about rules to follow if a fire starts at home. Throughout the week, different students come to Canton Fire station to have a tour of the firetrucks and ambulances to learn about the organization and how important we are if a fire is found. Then the Fire Prevention Officers, Dave Zuilsdorf and Matthew Kroeger, go to the schools and talk to the different classes about fire safety. During the last day of Fire Prevention, individuals from Canton Fire eat lunch at the school with students as a thank you for remembering all the important information that was shared throughout the week.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this week possible.