Working Smoke Detectors Save Lives
By Past Fire Chief Robert Crowe
February 16, 2019

In light of the recent tragic event in Watertown, the Canton Fire Department would like to remind residents to please ensure that they have working smoke detectors in their homes. A working smoke detector, along with closing bedroom doors, can greatly enhance the chances of survival should a fire occur in your home. Please take a minute and test your smoke detectors to make sure they are working. If you are in need of a working smoke detector, the Canton Fire Department can provide you with one. Simply stop by the fire station at 77 Riverside Drive or call 315-386-4613 to make arrangements to pick one up. Click on the attachement to this article to see where and how to install smoke detectors. Remember.....SMOKE DETECTORS SAVE LIVES!

Attachment Smoke-Alarms-Save-Lives-F848.pdf  (386k)