Canton Fire & Rescue RecruitNY Event and Open House a Success!!
By Firefighter/EMT Andrew Krotje
April 23, 2016

It was a beautiful spring day for our first annual RecruitNY and open house event. With more than 75 members of the community, covering a wide age range, coming to visit the station and meet our fire department family, our first annual event was truly a success! The children loved the Smoke Trailer and also enjoyed getting the chance to spray the fire hose. For our adults, the chance to meet our members of the department and watch an extrication demonstration sparked a great interest in what the department does. This amazing day brought out many of our members to interact with our fellow members of the Canton community. During the event we were called upon to respond to three ambulance calls, which gave those in attendance the chance to see our volunteers spring into action. We truly enjoyed the chance to interact with our friends and neighbors on a non-emergency basis and look forward to doing so again in the future.

We look forward to hearing any and all feedback from the community. For those of you that came down to visit us and experience what it is we do, we thank you and we hope to see you again in a non-emergency, family friendly atmosphere. To provide feedback or even just comment on the day, feel free to contact us at or call us at 315-386-4613. If you are looking to find out more information about our organization and ways to help your community, simply search around our website,, or email or call us at the links above.