Outdoor Burning Restrictions in Effect
By Fire Chief Robert Crowe
March 16, 2015

The annual outdoor burning restrictions are in effect from March 15th through May 14th. These annual restrictions prohibit the burning of brush, grass or leaves during this time period in an effort to reduce the incidences of out of control grass and brush fires which can lead to significant property loss as well as injuries to responding firefighters.

Since the implementation of these regulations, the number of grass/brush fires has been reduced by 35% statewide. The penalty for violating the open burning regulation can include a minimum $500 fine and possible criminal charges for a first offense.

Other types of outdoor fires, including cooking fires and maple sugar arches, are still permitted. For a complete list and more information about the NYS Open Burning Regulation go to http://www.dec.ny.gov/regs/4261.html.

Town of Canton residents are reminded that they are required to get a burning permit from the Town of Canton to have an open fire in the town and Village of Canton residents should note that open burning is prohibited year round within the Village limits.

Hyperlinks: NYS DEC Outdoor Burning Regulations